Welcome to a life of carefully contained chaos...

basically, i do not like technology, but i like words and stories, and sharing both.

so i only like technology when i'm feeling especially hypocritical.

apparently, this is one of those times.

so welcome to my little world of carefully contained chaos.

please clean up after yourself.

no, but seriously.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

why does my TV have a DUI?

i think it's all too obvious at this point that i am not a huge fan of technology... unless it suits my needs.

well my mother is. a techno lover that is. she is not the unpredictable techno fan that i have become (yes, sometimes to recover from technology i have to sit in a corner and rock myself back and forth while clutching my typewriter.) i like my books to kill trees (although i do have a nook, largely to stay in touch with my mother since we're not in the same city), i like my phones to send and receive calls and texts, and my day planner is made of paper or sometimes my hand... no, not like sarah palin style, she stole the idea from me. let's get this straight now. i was spacey WAY before her.

anyway, my mom, being the technology lover that she is, wanted to get a super awesome new TV for the apartment. now, i like TV. i'm moderately addicted to it and would love to write for a show some day... but only if they bring back Murder She Wrote or anything joss whedon writes (yes i know he wasn't responsible for that one.) anyway, knowing that i love to escape into the world of TV shows (not reality) quite often when i'm sick or bored or really any excuse at all, she picked out a particularly shiny new TV... it's a sony, and you only need two remotes for it... which is pretty impressive in itself. however, in addition to having HD and lots of bells and whistles... it has wireless capabilities. yes, that means if you have a Netflix account, you can watch anything in your instant queue... well, instantly, on the small screen (which is still larger than my laptop.)

ok. so yes very cool. it also has a lot of other things/websites you can use with the exception of HULU, which is annoying. obviously someone decided that anyone who owns a TV would not want HULU so they made a deal with Netflix instead. that's far too confusing for this blogger.

point being: every time i turn my magical sony TV on, the box that usually blinks "12:00", now blinks "DUI" until it then changes to whatever channel you happen to be on.

now, i consider myself to be a fairly intelligent individual. i do, however, from time to time find myself having blonde moments. all i could think was "how on earth is my TV drunk and why/how is/was it driving?" ... did i mention i'm blonde? good. ok, so while "DUI" sometimes means "driving under the influence" it can also mean "downloading uploaded information." good to know. because i was all... wow, my sony has a serious problem. how does one have an intervention with one's television? i mean, it's clearly a cry for help when it's blinking DUI over and over again. if that isn't a 'HELP ME FORTHELOVEOFGOD" i don't know what is.

so yeah. my tv's sober. i think. but really sony, this particular choice in names ranks right on up there with the iPad. someone has been dropping the ball. i'm just saying.

1 comment:

  1. apparently "DUI" and "DVI" are the same. i do not know what the "V" stands for. pretty sure it isn't "Visitors"... video maybe? whatever. i'm just happy my TV is possibly, most likely, sober. well done you.
