Welcome to a life of carefully contained chaos...

basically, i do not like technology, but i like words and stories, and sharing both.

so i only like technology when i'm feeling especially hypocritical.

apparently, this is one of those times.

so welcome to my little world of carefully contained chaos.

please clean up after yourself.

no, but seriously.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

it is 4:12am eastern standard time... and i am awake

i am convinced that my sleep is dependent on my brain shutting up.

apparently today/yesterday, my brain is running quite an impressive monologue.

really?!? really, brain? NOW is the time you wish to be active?

you refuse to be active when i am calculating, job searching, attempting to be productive, or generally attempting to be a productive member of society.

note to self: work night shifts.

second note to self: terrible idea. night shifts are for doctors, retailers, truckers, and various other things that i should not be doing

really self?

third note to self: stop listening to your notes to self. you give yourself terrible advice... wait, that was a note... can it be trusted?

can one be a vampire for hire without being aggressively misogynistic, mormon, or consuming human blood? cause i think i could do that.

i'm packing and heading to disneyworld on monday. perhaps the cute ad with the little kids, specifically the little boy saying in a tone that could be compared to that of a fog horn in it's intonations: "but we're too excited to SLEEP."

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