Welcome to a life of carefully contained chaos...

basically, i do not like technology, but i like words and stories, and sharing both.

so i only like technology when i'm feeling especially hypocritical.

apparently, this is one of those times.

so welcome to my little world of carefully contained chaos.

please clean up after yourself.

no, but seriously.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

aug 4th, epcot, anthropology, and real magic

day three: epcot

so as an anthropology major it is sometimes very difficult to function in places like disney and it's various parks. partly because of walt (who came up with disneyland as a result of his father working on the great white city during chicago's world fair... during which america found it's first serial killer in H.H. Holmes... coincidence? definitely. was walt racist and a bit of a nazi? um, yeah. is it hilarious that they have a gay pride parade at disney world ? why yes it is as hilarious as it is AWESOME... incidentally. how in the world did i not know that the absurdity of prop 8 was overruled while i was at disney? there should have been a parade! jane lynch... this is totally on you, sneaky gays. see what happens when you use your power for hilarious evil instead of good? neil patrick harris, pretty sure you're to blame in some part as well. and the entire cast of glee. someone needed to bust open the bubble of disney for this kind of amazing news! dropping the ball people. seriously.

anyway, epcot was very hot and while "soaring" was incredible, spaceship earth did not mention tesla or the fact that the greeks and the catholic church ruined western mathematics by not accepting zero as a number. honestly. edison was an royal jack-in-the-box.

so while i enjoyed the history of dead white men... i guess that's not really that far off since history is a story generally told by the people running the game. so, fine, epcot, well played. well played indeed.

at this point, i was really not thrilled about having anthropological knowledge in my head... please leave so i can enjoy this experience. then was attacked by a small child with sticky fingers that were (hopefully) covered in chocolate.

SERIOUSLY questioning why i have ovaries. they are wasting both our time at this point.

fortunately, the magic of disney was returned when we got back to the hotel to have "high tea"... no really, they actually served it. and we sat next to a magical woman with an incredible story i hope to see either in a book or online at some point soon. she was welsh who recently moved to florida to be near her children. she stopped by the grand floridian to have a spot of tea because she was having a good day. did i mention she recently had chemo and is a breast cancer survivor with the brightest and warmest smile you could ever imagine. i helped her with her bucket list by adding "blogging" to it. i told her that her username should be "awesome lady 007" i'm hoping to see it. so keep your eyes out.

consequently rediscovered magic, childhood, strength and beauty all while having high tea and listening to a character sing "almost there" from the princess and the frog in the background. pretty much perfect right there.

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