Welcome to a life of carefully contained chaos...

basically, i do not like technology, but i like words and stories, and sharing both.

so i only like technology when i'm feeling especially hypocritical.

apparently, this is one of those times.

so welcome to my little world of carefully contained chaos.

please clean up after yourself.

no, but seriously.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

never drink pumpkin juice before noon... it attracts jailbait

our last day at disney we did something that no one staying at a disney resort should ever say aloud. it has been said that mickey himself will find you, beat you with pluto's leash (has anyone every questioned why goofy can talk but pluto has to wear a leash... oh hey segregation and blatant references to slavery, what's up?)

that's right. we went to... universal studios.

ok. little sore. but it was worth it. mickey's not so bad as long as you don't mock his voice while he beats you. no really, it only makes him angrier. that is one mean little high pitched mouse.

anyway, universal studios recently opened the new harry potter ride that includes a romp through the castle. being a harry potter nerd, i don't think i can say without bias how incredible awesome it was... so i'll just say it with bias... IT WAS INCREDIBLY AWESOME. and yes i tried pumpkin juice. unfortunately, i tend towards the oblivious when it comes to people hitting on me. while my mother was off looking to see how long other rides were, i was approached by two young men, whom i thought were actually confused as to where the castle was located. side note: the castle is larger than the park and as such, is very hard to miss, while i am apparently not hard to miss, if you are a young male aka jailbait. fortunately, i was saved by my mother who, once the jailbait left, said "really, you didn't get that? honestly, hillary. breasts, tattoos and blonde hair make boys stupid." duly noted mother.

next we went on the jurassic park ride. it had a warning which read "may get wet." i thought the emphasis was on the "may" and not the "wet" part. the "splash zone" probably should have been a clue... also, the many people wearing rain ponchos should have given me a bit of an inkling. so yeah, "might" should have been "did you pack extra clothes/do not wear white on this ride unless you are entering a wet tshirt contest afterwards.

sadly, there were no wet tshirt contests to enter. so we headed to the hard rock cafe instead. which is about as close as you can get.

at some point i lost one of my favorite rings. this was sad.

we went on the "revenge of the mummy ride" which, again, was awesome despite my bias.

and then, after being soaked, sweaty, and smelling faintly of pumpkin juice, we headed back to the hotel and who should we happen upon but the character who was singing a few days earlier? what a crazy happenstance! (we waited for her the day before for 3 hours with no luck which simply goes to show, magical days simply happen and cannot be planned... other than THE book. you follow that. seriously.)

after listening to her sing a medley of my favorite disney songs, including "almost there" she came over to me and said "i'm sorry, i just had to tell you that you have such a beautiful smile." which made my day and she was more than happy to take a picture with me... despite the smell of sweat and pumpkin juice.

ok, so this princess was awesome. well, she was dressed as a victorian lady, but awesome nonetheless.

found my ring. it was not lost. i just hadn't put it on that day. shocking.

so basically, the last day was, in a word, perfection.

(seriously though, if you are over 18... stay away from pumpkin juice. it attracts jailbait.)

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