Welcome to a life of carefully contained chaos...

basically, i do not like technology, but i like words and stories, and sharing both.

so i only like technology when i'm feeling especially hypocritical.

apparently, this is one of those times.

so welcome to my little world of carefully contained chaos.

please clean up after yourself.

no, but seriously.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

i'm a beamer... no, not like the car

so apparently i "beam." while waiting for a meetup that i managed to have a blonde moment and mess up the time/day/week a number of things happened with one commonality: everyone said "sorry, you just beam!"

thing of the first: a girl with a large amount of free health-conscious dog treats lost control of her cart and dumped two very large boxes worth of said dog-treat onto the bustling area near the T entrances between park and tremont. i saw impending doom since it was quite hot and very sunny and sadly, her outfit for the day was black (as per their logo) and realized she had about a couple hundred small packages to put back into the two boxes amidst tourists and business people running about. so i went over to help her. after a lot of thanking and apologizing for no reason since the cobbled roads are "wicked hard" to navigate with a cart, she looked up and said "wow. sorry, you just sort of beam." i wasn't really sure how to respond to this so i said "thanks?" and she then she went about her day passing out scientifically proven health conscious dog-treats. sadly, duke is not in boston and likes crackers, not health-conscious treats.

thing of the second: a man in yellow aka a buddhist monk (i'm guessing converted since he was quite germanic in appearance) was handing out buddhist papers and, obviously, sought me out. i said i was already well acquainted with buddhism and the Bagadavita, but thanked him anyway and said "namaste". he was a little taken aback that i knew the term namaste, not quite sure why. then he replied "i'm sorry, you just have this wonderful smile. it's sort of like you're beaming." i thanked him and decided i needed some caffeine.

thing of the third: i walk into a Dunkin Donuts across the street to get some iced caffeine and sit in the wonderful air-conditioning (it was getting a bit hot in the sun.) i look for a seat and realize that there's not a lot of seating with the exception of a table with 4 seats currently occupied by one man. i asked him if he minded if i sat down. his response? "as long as you promise not to bother me." this was said with a smile. anyway, we sat and drank our respective caffeinated drinks together in silence, he was nearly done by the time i sat down so he stands up, walks over to me and says "you could have bothered me and i wouldn't have minded" with a wink and then leaves. huh. weird. less than a minute later another man comes along, dressed in a suit and with a very strong Nigerian accent says "can i sit here?" and i replied "sure, i just asked another guy the same thing. it's a big enough table." he then leans over and says "can i ask you two more questions?" i'm looking at his zippered folder, sizing him up for crazy or not, decided not crazy, and replied "sure." he says "you are very beautiful." i said "that is not a question, but thank you." he laughs and then asks "do you know that you beam? i mean, really, you are lighting up this room. how are you doing that? or why?" i was a little taken aback and said "i'm not sure i understand the question... just so i'm clear, you're asking me how and why i 'beam'?" and he says "yes." and i said "i don't know. i get that a lot. i'm a beamer i guess."

so there you have it. beaming 101. i have no idea what people are talking about, but apparently this pale sweaty blonde girl beams. i'm thinking it's sweat. or my smile. not quite sure how my smile beams. but there you have it. i'm a beamer.

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