Welcome to a life of carefully contained chaos...

basically, i do not like technology, but i like words and stories, and sharing both.

so i only like technology when i'm feeling especially hypocritical.

apparently, this is one of those times.

so welcome to my little world of carefully contained chaos.

please clean up after yourself.

no, but seriously.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Operation! the game is not so much fun in real life...

dylan played a fun game, 3 days ago, called "operation!" dylan was not amused.
i on the other hand, am a little amused because he looks a little bit like a retro astronaut
well, i guess not quite this guy...
yeah, that's about right.
well, dylan is on quite a bit of puppy pain killers... so saying he's in outer space wouldn't really be stretching the truth. today while he was playing with his new toy, a duck that squeaks...as a vegetarian, i feel that's not really the right way to teach animals, or children for that matter, about interaction: if you bite something, it's not only fun... but it makes a cool sound! WEEE!!!!!!!!!!
i'm just saying. but back to the duck: dylan was playing (insert "chewing" whenever i use the word "playing" for dylan) with his duck toy and then abruptly stopped, tilted his head in the way only golden retrievers can, as if he was listening. he dropped the duck from his mouth, so i'm guessing drugs do have a good side: they teach dogs proper etiquette. for example, when conversing with someone, remove your jaws from their throat first (hey, i'll take anything at this point.)
but he continued to, what i'm assuming is listening, to the duck, ponder what the duck had to say, responded with a short bark, growl, and something that we like to call the "pre-bark noise" in this family.
if you're curious the pre-bark noise looks like this:
(any dog owner recognizes this face... it's the face of impending doom.)
then he lay back down and waited for the duck to respond. he did not. now in terms of how long dylan's toys last... well it depends. if they are durable rubber toys, well, they will live a long and healthy life. if they would be classified as "fauna" in anyway real or imaginary... well, let's just say, those little toys should absolutely seize their day. no, i did not misquote: they literally have, on average, a day to live.
however, because of these wonderful and yeah, i'll say it: magical happy chill drugs dylan went from this:                                                                                                          back to this little guy:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                so fortunately, for the duck, dylan is having sleepy pill time
now. those pills have pardoned the duck's death sentence.
cute, right? little drugged out dylan, enjoying a cone of silence nap with his adorable best buddy in the  whole wide world, ducky the duckster,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   [the cone of silence, is what my father calls it... which is when he made the ill-advised suggestion, against mom's pretty obvious face not to go there,  that we try it on me to see if i would be silent for a week, which was when i reminded him that, despite the chronic pain, i'm faster, i have a bow and arrows (yes, multiple), and i have good aim. there were no further suggestions from the peanut gallery.]

well, until he recovers from
losing his balls... realized what he had lost and i'm pretty sure there will be a dylan reign of terror. until then, this little
puppy is a doped up little


  1. Aww, po' Dylan! I remember when my golden hunk Pookie had to have the un-fun operation, we tried sparing him the cone and put some boxers on him backward. Didn't really work, but it looked hilarious. Then again it looked hilarious when he'd get that cone wedged between furniture. I tried not to laugh in front of him. Really.

    He was a dog who would bark at cookies if they broke while he was eating them, stone cold sober. It's hard not to laugh at things they do.

    1. if i were, i would never give a golden hunk with the name "pookie" boxing gloves...
      i just read that again... realized you said "boxers"... that makes much more sense.

      it is very hard not to laugh openly when they get wedged into various things. you did the smart thing and not laughed openly... i did the, we'll call it the "not right" way, and laughed and realized my large puppy in a cone of shame can also be a battering ram. my mistake :)

  2. Hill- do you think the slightly loopy state that puppy has been in lately has anything to do with the four Beefeater martinis that I put in his water dish? love, Dad

    1. he's a bennett, of course. puppy or no, he can handle he alcohol like a champ... or in this case, a WASP.
