Welcome to a life of carefully contained chaos...

basically, i do not like technology, but i like words and stories, and sharing both.

so i only like technology when i'm feeling especially hypocritical.

apparently, this is one of those times.

so welcome to my little world of carefully contained chaos.

please clean up after yourself.

no, but seriously.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

if blogging were school... i would have a lot of absentees on my record...


so basically my body occasionally says: "no, no today you will not write!"

and i'm all "but PLEASE! sometimes i say interesting and/or funny things!"

body: "honestly, you're really not that good... i honestly think that's all in your head."

me: "i'm not feeding you today."

and then i got sick.

so there you have it.

my absenteeism is related entirely to a theoretical conversation i had in my head...

i'm sure that's entirely healthy.





tune in tomorrow for: t-rex vs ninja: who would win?

to find out... you should probably read my blog.


  1. I just want to encourage you to write. You have interesting things to say. Perhaps this is therapeutic for you. When I was depressed (a very different kind of pain) I shut myself in my room and hardly communicated with the outside world for months. Sometimes it is good to have other people encourage you to open up and/or be yourself.

    Have you considered a talk to type program? My oldest son uses that. Would that reduce your pain at all?

    I'll end with a joke...

    A koala bear was very upset with his new arrangement at the zoo. The zoo keeper had put all the bear exhibits next to each other but left him in the marsupial section. When the zoo keeper came by to check on him he immediately asked him why he wasn't put next to the bears. The zoo keeper responded that although people call him a koala bear he actually wasn't a bear at all. The shocked koala bear was silent for a few moments before asking the zoo keeper, "What do you mean I am not a bear? I have all the koalafications."


  2. Ninja... definitely the ninja. I'll still tune in, but it's going to be the ninja. It has to be. Not a doubt in my mind.

    Unless it's the T-Rex. In that case, it wouldn't be the ninja. UNLESS THE T-REX IS A NINJA! ...no, that's silly talk. T-Rexeses have big clumsy feet and wittle arms that can't reach for a sword or throw ninja (t-rex) stars. And everyone knows they don't look good in black. I'm back on the ninja bandwagon. Mostly because they aren't extinct yet and could very much still kill me, like bears. OOH, it's not a ninja bear is it?! Because that would be scary as shi...

    No, no. Sorry. Off topic. All of that up there wasn't very useful, was it? But in regards to conversations in your head? I think I can speak for all of us when I say, it is completely normal...

    ...and when I say "all of us", yeah, I mean me ...so....

  3. Ninjas dominate all.
    Keep writing, despite the arguments...mental, real, or imagined.

  4. well, if you check above, you will see, i didn't use a t-rex, but i did use something AWESOME!!!

    and thank you john, that means a lot, and the koala bear joke was amazing. to answer your question about writing, even writing silly things that are not my blog, well, it still keeps me writing. thank you for reading!

    love to you all!
