Welcome to a life of carefully contained chaos...

basically, i do not like technology, but i like words and stories, and sharing both.

so i only like technology when i'm feeling especially hypocritical.

apparently, this is one of those times.

so welcome to my little world of carefully contained chaos.

please clean up after yourself.

no, but seriously.

Friday, June 29, 2012

the little girl who found her strength

but as you wait for said "awesomeness"

here's a little bit of fun for ya:

everything on this link, facebook, etc, is copyrighted, so no stealing. seriously. i have ninja monkeys that i can borrow from a friend... they mean business, monkey business, only, you know, with death and stuff.

so i figured this post will be all words.

ohmygod stop yelling at me!!! i know i know!!! no one can handle just writing.
and to that i say: SUCK IT UP!

i mean, i will take that into consideration.

this is a story,
call it a children's story if you will, but i call it a "story", because stories are stories, regardless of the intended audience.

so here we go:

The Little Girl who Found her Strength

once, not very long ago, 
there was a little girl
with a little voice
and a little personality
not to mention, very little courage.

she lived in the woods

with her family
and their pet tiger. 

(spoiler! this is a blatant PLUG for a good friend...this drawing is thanks to my very good friend, and partner in crime, doug... insert PLUG for DOUG here: http://douggiedoo.deviantart.com/ he's a very talented artist, check him out)


now, for years this little girl stared at the tiger, wanting it's strength, it's agility, it's, well it's freedom. 

so, tentatively, she went up to it and asked, as children often do:
"tiger dear, where do you get all this from? where does you strength and everything that makes you, well you?"

the tiger, chuckled (if you can imagine a tiger chuckling, it's quite silly really.)

but then the tiger thought. 

and thought

and thought some more. 

"well, i suppose  i get it from in here" he said as he pointed to his chest.

the little girl thought about that statement and was not at all happy with the answer. 

"what do you mean, 'in here'. where exactly is 'in here.'"

the tiger realized, he wasn't quite sure. he'd always been feared, always called agile, a hunter, and strong. i suppose it was then that he wasn't so sure of his answer.

"i think," said the tiger "that it comes from your heart, and not just a little from what people say of you. if you're called 'strong', well, then you're strong. if you're called 'agile', well, then you're agile, and so on."

"huh." said the little girl.  "so basically, it comes from what others say about you?"

the tiger realized his fault immediately and backtracked his words: "no! no, it has nothing to do with what other people say about you..."

"but you said..." the little girl was very impatient and not just a little bit confused.

"i know what i said, but tigers can be wrong. the right answer to your question is: you make yourself by choices, by, by, well, by listening to yourself for a good long while and then, i think you'll have your answer."

so the girl walked away, still confused, but with a bit more confidence. the tiger followed in her steps to protect her, like he had always done.

after a while of walking, the little girl stopped. 

as did the tiger. 

and as the little girl turned around, she said "tiger, go play today. i was thinking as we walked, and i realized, having you protect me, well it means i don't have to protect myself. i think i found what i was looking for."

the tiger, being quite proud of his advice, walked away and felt confident the little girl found her courage. coincidentally,  so did the little girl. 

the end. 

thank you all for reading or following or giving it a chance.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As usual, your clever mix of character, whimsey and heart. You create a very real and believable world with very little and I think the reader can't help but be drawn in. ..."drawn in"... perhaps pun intended as we all need to find our "inner tiger" at some point.

    I'm not sure if it's the tiger itself I like, or the idea of the character of the tiger... if that makes sense. Probably doesn't. I may explain when I figure it out.

    In the meantime, it's another classic, Sassy Cass.
