Welcome to a life of carefully contained chaos...

basically, i do not like technology, but i like words and stories, and sharing both.

so i only like technology when i'm feeling especially hypocritical.

apparently, this is one of those times.

so welcome to my little world of carefully contained chaos.

please clean up after yourself.

no, but seriously.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


last week, i asked everyone i could figure out to contact through both here and facebook (i don't tweet now, nor shall i ever twee.) i did this for one reason: to get people more involved!

i was hoping to get my facebook friends who once loved my AIM away messages (some of us just showed our age, mostly me, because i'm currently writing), and friends who ask how i am and the rest of you crazy people that, for whatever reason, love me. 

so the point was, to do more posts for people, thinking it would be engaging, thinking they'd get excited to have a (sort of) ghost writer tell the story they wanted told.

and while there were definitely some interesting ideas (joe, thank you for keeping it PG, matt, brother of joe, thank you for going ahead and not posting anything: you and doug made a solid call there), the one thing i realized in comments and, generally, just talking to people who do read my blog, was that they didn't want their ideas posted, they, and hopefully whoever is reading this, wanted my voice here.

and it hit me like a brick.

no no no no! not literally!, although, with me, it's always a possibility. 

so from now on, no more lame ways to get more people to read as well as get my page numbers up, i will say: if you join the cult of google and follow me (it's free), it helps me out in a big way on my road to a becoming famous writer, not to mention a triple threat! that's right people, she can write children's stories, she can write murder mysteries, she writes Young Adult novels! she even wrote a musical once... legally speaking, she is not allowed to talk about that one. so yup, just the triple threat (honestly, i'm not sure if that's either a thing or a term at all for writing.)

and tomorrow: the unveiling behind the meaning of my, "a life of carefully contained chaos" title, since, well, it was technically a post suggestion (sorry, but also the only one i will answer), BUT i never actually explained it at all, and it has been bothering me. 

so there ya go: an expression of gratitude for your comments online and in live, that you'd rather hear what i'd like to write about
AND a spoiler alert for tomorrow (or sometime around tomorrow ish) blog post title. 

blog post. sounds like the worst horror movie that will, regardless of its absurd name, be made into a made for TV movie.

thank you for reading. it means the world  to me.
and make the world a better place by being kind to one another, 
there's too much hate and violence. adding a little compassion to that might not change the world, 
but, i promise you it will change at least one person. 

this blogger is going to bed. 
later folks!

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