Welcome to a life of carefully contained chaos...

basically, i do not like technology, but i like words and stories, and sharing both.

so i only like technology when i'm feeling especially hypocritical.

apparently, this is one of those times.

so welcome to my little world of carefully contained chaos.

please clean up after yourself.

no, but seriously.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

hey everyone!

i'm making a call to arms!... of sorts.


what would YOU, 

yes YOU like to see as a post?

zombies vs humans a monkey snipers? DONE!

my opinion on pop culture (please site a specific reference)? DONE!

my love of comics and if i were a super hero, who would i be? DONE! (i might just do that myself, cause i kinda like it.)

a story about my puppy dylan? DONE!

something with only pictures that i've drawn myself? ... well, it's seems like a terrible idea, but sure, why not? i'll try! DONE!

in conclusion: you ask for a post, i'll make it happen! 



I want you! to send me you ideas!!!
your dreams!
your wants!
in the form of posts!!!
so yeah, get on that!
you can post your request by: a comment (at the bottom)
on my facebook wall ( https://www.facebook.com/hillary.bennett.37 )
or send me an email ( hillcassbennett@gmail.com )

so there you have it! the power is in your hands! 
use your power wisely
because, with great power
comes terrible ideas that i cannot always be held accountable for...
or great responsibility
(i like mine better.)

have a good one everyone!
and be kind to one another.
it's a tough enough world we live in, 
there's already enough hate in the world
don't add to it. 
as a friend once said:
don't commit it
don't permit it!
stand up for what's right
and the easiest way to do that?
pass it along!

love to you all!

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