Welcome to a life of carefully contained chaos...

basically, i do not like technology, but i like words and stories, and sharing both.

so i only like technology when i'm feeling especially hypocritical.

apparently, this is one of those times.

so welcome to my little world of carefully contained chaos.

please clean up after yourself.

no, but seriously.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

fire... it's cool, why are we obsessed with it?

so first check this out... i don't know who this is... but they are talented...
(if the link doesn't work... whoops, i'm a bit sleep deprived and quite tired at the moment... also, i know nothing about how to add links into a blogger... so, um, fingers crossed!)

zippo trick! (hopefully)

so i just got my very first zippo.
it looks like this:

8 ball zippos are kool (some doctor who humor for you folks at home...)

 in case you were wondering... yes i did this:

 but not it did not turn into this:

(thanks for all the faith, ya jerks!)

right, for most of you that know me... you might be thinking, or yelling:

"Hillary! GOT A ZIPPO?!?!? but hillary, you don't smoke!"

yes, i'm well aware of that, thank you.
however, i have a lot of candles and incense and i do quite a bit of lighting aforementioned things that need fire (mediation and aroma therapy, quite helpful with chronic pain... well, a little helpful anyway.)

and then i thought to myself after watching that KICKASS video of zippo tricks (i can do none of them, in case you were wondering, nor did i attempt, which i'm sure you all thought i did... well i did try one, but not on that particular site! it was on an easy zippo trick starter kick... that i got in the mail...from my friend... jack... who lives...on the moon? never been good at lying. blast it all!)

where was i? oh yeah, FIRE!!!

since the beginning of time
timelords... times all wibbly wobbly there... whoops, wrong one...
AH!, there we are. well, the beginning of us, of sorts, not very accurate, but it's the web, i can't draw, i steal what i can...
right, so fire. our obsession at the beginning of our timeline makes quite a bit of sense culturally speaking, not to mention in terms of evolution and survival (no, i will not go on an anthropological rant of why fire and sitting around it is still relevant in today's culture... other than that quick one.)
right, so other than the obvious, why are we so obsessed with fire, and things that go boom 
michael bay
sorry about that director's cough. what? who said that? am i being hacked? 

oh well, if i go down, it might as well be in a blaze of glory! 
ha. sorry. no more terrible puns. 

but seriously, let's look at our pop culture lately. 
quite recently, the girl on fire aka katniss aka the series which started with the hunger games which turned into an adequate franchise (i will buy the movie, because i'm that big of a fan, but really, character development, COME ON!)
right, no more rants. that is my new motto. that and YAY FIRE!

but catching fire, and all that, it became... well, catchy. throw "fire" into a title or a story, and you're pretty much good to go. 
harry potter and the goblet of... oh yeah, fire (to be fair, that one was well on it's way.)
famous line from the last batman movie:
oh yeah! "some people just like to watch the world BURN." (fantastic line by the way... i may have butchered it, if i have, please inform me post haste.)
what kills vampire? 
oh yeah, fire! (that seemed relevant because of all the vampire stuff going on, which i'm really hoping stays "in" for now... being quite pale myself.)
honestly, watch a movie, it's bound to have a flaming scene of sorts. fire will be in any movie, nearly all books, and on the cover of every single death metal band cd/album cover. 
we like fire, we like things that go BOOM! and we seek them out in our culture.

anyways, i think our obsession with fire, for whatever my two cents are worth (i'd wager, $0.02, just a guess), is twofold:

thing of the first: it's primal. we need fire to survive. we cannot live on macrobiotic food alone... we need fire to build, to destroy, to cook, and for all things globalization and capitalization (but also, if you live off the grid, you honestly do need fire to survive.)

thing of the second (fold): fire's cool and very dangerous. it's that itch we want to scratch, that danger itch. we want to be a bit dangerous, or at least thought of in that way (only a bit, don't go getting all pyromania-cal and blaming me.) i mean, we are lured into that dark alley. every one of us wants a little danger in our lives, otherwise, we'd be quite boring. maybe fires not your thing (my mom had to teach me how to use a lighter when i was 15 because i was, and still am, afraid of matches.) 

interestingly enough, i'm actually quite afraid of fire. but with a zippo, you have a american made piece of coolness that allows for control (as long as your careful.)

so, enjoy the video, enjoy the ridiculousness, and absurdity that tend to me my little posts, when i remember. tomorrow: i have two planned out, maybe... THREE! who knows. one will most likely be about tampons and why men don't understand how they work, and why that is so very very funny to me.

right, be kind to each other, don't light one another on fire, and goodnight!

love and peace as always, 
or just plain peace out! 
(i won't do that EVER again, promise.)

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