Welcome to a life of carefully contained chaos...

basically, i do not like technology, but i like words and stories, and sharing both.

so i only like technology when i'm feeling especially hypocritical.

apparently, this is one of those times.

so welcome to my little world of carefully contained chaos.

please clean up after yourself.

no, but seriously.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


last week, i asked everyone i could figure out to contact through both here and facebook (i don't tweet now, nor shall i ever twee.) i did this for one reason: to get people more involved!

i was hoping to get my facebook friends who once loved my AIM away messages (some of us just showed our age, mostly me, because i'm currently writing), and friends who ask how i am and the rest of you crazy people that, for whatever reason, love me. 

so the point was, to do more posts for people, thinking it would be engaging, thinking they'd get excited to have a (sort of) ghost writer tell the story they wanted told.

and while there were definitely some interesting ideas (joe, thank you for keeping it PG, matt, brother of joe, thank you for going ahead and not posting anything: you and doug made a solid call there), the one thing i realized in comments and, generally, just talking to people who do read my blog, was that they didn't want their ideas posted, they, and hopefully whoever is reading this, wanted my voice here.

and it hit me like a brick.

no no no no! not literally!, although, with me, it's always a possibility. 

so from now on, no more lame ways to get more people to read as well as get my page numbers up, i will say: if you join the cult of google and follow me (it's free), it helps me out in a big way on my road to a becoming famous writer, not to mention a triple threat! that's right people, she can write children's stories, she can write murder mysteries, she writes Young Adult novels! she even wrote a musical once... legally speaking, she is not allowed to talk about that one. so yup, just the triple threat (honestly, i'm not sure if that's either a thing or a term at all for writing.)

and tomorrow: the unveiling behind the meaning of my, "a life of carefully contained chaos" title, since, well, it was technically a post suggestion (sorry, but also the only one i will answer), BUT i never actually explained it at all, and it has been bothering me. 

so there ya go: an expression of gratitude for your comments online and in live, that you'd rather hear what i'd like to write about
AND a spoiler alert for tomorrow (or sometime around tomorrow ish) blog post title. 

blog post. sounds like the worst horror movie that will, regardless of its absurd name, be made into a made for TV movie.

thank you for reading. it means the world  to me.
and make the world a better place by being kind to one another, 
there's too much hate and violence. adding a little compassion to that might not change the world, 
but, i promise you it will change at least one person. 

this blogger is going to bed. 
later folks!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

hey everyone!

i'm making a call to arms!... of sorts.


what would YOU, 

yes YOU like to see as a post?

zombies vs humans a monkey snipers? DONE!

my opinion on pop culture (please site a specific reference)? DONE!

my love of comics and if i were a super hero, who would i be? DONE! (i might just do that myself, cause i kinda like it.)

a story about my puppy dylan? DONE!

something with only pictures that i've drawn myself? ... well, it's seems like a terrible idea, but sure, why not? i'll try! DONE!

in conclusion: you ask for a post, i'll make it happen! 



I want you! to send me you ideas!!!
your dreams!
your wants!
in the form of posts!!!
so yeah, get on that!
you can post your request by: a comment (at the bottom)
on my facebook wall ( https://www.facebook.com/hillary.bennett.37 )
or send me an email ( hillcassbennett@gmail.com )

so there you have it! the power is in your hands! 
use your power wisely
because, with great power
comes terrible ideas that i cannot always be held accountable for...
or great responsibility
(i like mine better.)

have a good one everyone!
and be kind to one another.
it's a tough enough world we live in, 
there's already enough hate in the world
don't add to it. 
as a friend once said:
don't commit it
don't permit it!
stand up for what's right
and the easiest way to do that?
pass it along!

love to you all!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

the little girl who drew...

there once was a little girl

and she loved to draw

she drew simple things at first:
what she saw around her:
the pine trees
the lake
her family's cabin

and then she started drawing people
her father
her mother
both sisters
their two dogs
and everything else she saw, 
she put to paper, and drew.

but nothing stays normal forever, 

well, not in stories at least, and that's what stories are: abnormalities that grab the imagination.

and that's how the strange thing started...

the little girl got bored of drawing things that she saw 

so she did what any creative little girl would do, and started to draw the stories that her older sisters would tell her...
things about dragons!
and heroes and damsels, and damsels that were heroes!
unicorns, a beast called a griffin, another thing called a minotaur!

so she started with a dragon. 

and that's when things got a bit weird...

she carefully crafted from memory, with pencil in hand, the dragon that her sister had described every night in her stories...

she worked on it all day, until finally, she fell asleep, upon the drawing.

but when she fell asleep, she dreamed about a dragon, and she was riding on it's back, as it let out a great burst of fire setting the night sky ablaze! 

and then she woke up, to realize... she was sleeping next to a dragon... 

now, as parents reactions go... they handled it fairly well, with only a few screams of disbelief and fear... since there was a full sized dragon sitting next to their log cabin... logs generally made of wood, everyone was pretty much on edge, even the little girl who just happened to have a little bit of magic. 

well, it continued:
first a dragon, 
then a unicorn
and finally, a griffin...
there were also a couple of princesses, a few fairies, and wouldn't you know it 2 handsome princes (her older sisters were quite happy, her father, however, was not.)

how did the story end?

well, fortunately, the little girl created happy things, and was very careful to draw very small magical things, that always had a good heart, fortunately, so did the little girl, so nothing evil was ever created.

so you know, it all turned out for the best. 
as long as you have a good heart, your creations will as well.

well, then there's the whole story of how they hid the magical creatures...
but that's a story for another night...
(when i'm much less sleepy... :)

g'night folks. 
sleep well 
have sweet pleasant dreams, 
and try and make sure not to dream magically ;)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

fire... it's cool, why are we obsessed with it?

so first check this out... i don't know who this is... but they are talented...
(if the link doesn't work... whoops, i'm a bit sleep deprived and quite tired at the moment... also, i know nothing about how to add links into a blogger... so, um, fingers crossed!)

zippo trick! (hopefully)

so i just got my very first zippo.
it looks like this:

8 ball zippos are kool (some doctor who humor for you folks at home...)

 in case you were wondering... yes i did this:

 but not it did not turn into this:

(thanks for all the faith, ya jerks!)

right, for most of you that know me... you might be thinking, or yelling:

"Hillary! GOT A ZIPPO?!?!? but hillary, you don't smoke!"

yes, i'm well aware of that, thank you.
however, i have a lot of candles and incense and i do quite a bit of lighting aforementioned things that need fire (mediation and aroma therapy, quite helpful with chronic pain... well, a little helpful anyway.)

and then i thought to myself after watching that KICKASS video of zippo tricks (i can do none of them, in case you were wondering, nor did i attempt, which i'm sure you all thought i did... well i did try one, but not on that particular site! it was on an easy zippo trick starter kick... that i got in the mail...from my friend... jack... who lives...on the moon? never been good at lying. blast it all!)

where was i? oh yeah, FIRE!!!

since the beginning of time
timelords... times all wibbly wobbly there... whoops, wrong one...
AH!, there we are. well, the beginning of us, of sorts, not very accurate, but it's the web, i can't draw, i steal what i can...
right, so fire. our obsession at the beginning of our timeline makes quite a bit of sense culturally speaking, not to mention in terms of evolution and survival (no, i will not go on an anthropological rant of why fire and sitting around it is still relevant in today's culture... other than that quick one.)
right, so other than the obvious, why are we so obsessed with fire, and things that go boom 
michael bay
sorry about that director's cough. what? who said that? am i being hacked? 

oh well, if i go down, it might as well be in a blaze of glory! 
ha. sorry. no more terrible puns. 

but seriously, let's look at our pop culture lately. 
quite recently, the girl on fire aka katniss aka the series which started with the hunger games which turned into an adequate franchise (i will buy the movie, because i'm that big of a fan, but really, character development, COME ON!)
right, no more rants. that is my new motto. that and YAY FIRE!

but catching fire, and all that, it became... well, catchy. throw "fire" into a title or a story, and you're pretty much good to go. 
harry potter and the goblet of... oh yeah, fire (to be fair, that one was well on it's way.)
famous line from the last batman movie:
oh yeah! "some people just like to watch the world BURN." (fantastic line by the way... i may have butchered it, if i have, please inform me post haste.)
what kills vampire? 
oh yeah, fire! (that seemed relevant because of all the vampire stuff going on, which i'm really hoping stays "in" for now... being quite pale myself.)
honestly, watch a movie, it's bound to have a flaming scene of sorts. fire will be in any movie, nearly all books, and on the cover of every single death metal band cd/album cover. 
we like fire, we like things that go BOOM! and we seek them out in our culture.

anyways, i think our obsession with fire, for whatever my two cents are worth (i'd wager, $0.02, just a guess), is twofold:

thing of the first: it's primal. we need fire to survive. we cannot live on macrobiotic food alone... we need fire to build, to destroy, to cook, and for all things globalization and capitalization (but also, if you live off the grid, you honestly do need fire to survive.)

thing of the second (fold): fire's cool and very dangerous. it's that itch we want to scratch, that danger itch. we want to be a bit dangerous, or at least thought of in that way (only a bit, don't go getting all pyromania-cal and blaming me.) i mean, we are lured into that dark alley. every one of us wants a little danger in our lives, otherwise, we'd be quite boring. maybe fires not your thing (my mom had to teach me how to use a lighter when i was 15 because i was, and still am, afraid of matches.) 

interestingly enough, i'm actually quite afraid of fire. but with a zippo, you have a american made piece of coolness that allows for control (as long as your careful.)

so, enjoy the video, enjoy the ridiculousness, and absurdity that tend to me my little posts, when i remember. tomorrow: i have two planned out, maybe... THREE! who knows. one will most likely be about tampons and why men don't understand how they work, and why that is so very very funny to me.

right, be kind to each other, don't light one another on fire, and goodnight!

love and peace as always, 
or just plain peace out! 
(i won't do that EVER again, promise.)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

it's finally here! the fantastic, the charming, the mort blog!

so it's finally here!
i know, i know, calm yourselves first. have a cup of soothing tea or decaff coffee, 
sit back, relax, and just let me tell you the story of the three wise men.
no, no, no! not those guys!

theses guys:
 (from left to right, mort, leo the lion with his happy face, and ted.)

(from left to right, mort, leo the lion with his happy face, and ted.)

so i suppose i should start at the beginning, but they wore off on me, and i forgot how this kinship began (anyone who actually knows me well, knows that's a blatant lie.) these 3 hangout at my (it's the closest and and my favorite B & N to my house and i know almost every employee there by name and likewise, seriously) barnes and noble cafe all the time. we just missed each other (i generally come in and out as i please... especially in this hot as hades weather. it's entirely possibly the bennett family is single-handedly keeping that particular barnes and noble in business... with some help from other customers, but mostly the bennetts... well the cass women. but i digress, as usual (look! i'm my own peanut gallery!) 

one day, i come across these three troublemakers (don't let their charm fool you, cunning bunch this lot), and mort said i was a beautiful young lady (well, they all said that and i was sold) and asked if i know how to dance (he was once a fantastic dance instructor.) i replied, "nope, but i'm willing to learn if you'll teach me." i was a little worried about his heart... because ted said "watch your heart condition mort! that one looks like a killer!" 

now at this point how could i refuse? 

so he said "have you heard of the Argentinian tango?" 
my response: "yes, but i'm a terrible partner dancer. i just never learned."

for those at you at home going "really hillary, after the last post, REALLY?" so to calm your doubts about being a dirty old man (they've become fairly protective and are wonderful conversationalists, so what's a little groping between complete strangers? right? guys? anyway, the Argentinian tango is chest to chest, and very intimate. i warned him i have two left feet when it comes to actual partner dancing, so he did a 5 minute dance lesson our first time, and every time after that. 

believe me when i say: everyone got their smart phone and were taking pictures because it was quite a site. 

i asked mort (furst, mind you, we've grown very close) if he and his friends would do me the honor of taking a picture with me. 

our normal discussion (to join the club i had to tell a dirty joke or two, but i have a few tricks up my sleeve... as i'm sure the lot of them do as well).

here we are, can you feel that spark through the computer? scorpio, gotta watch out for us :)

anyway, we exchanged cell numbers so when he's healthy enough he's taking me dancing.
just one little itty bitty problem: i am not a dancer, and consequently do not own dancing shoes. 
i'll figure it out. (he's already one of the main characters in my murder mystery: good guy, obviously! ... whoops, should have said "spoilers."

and this is why ted thought mort might possibly go into cardiac arrest: 

we posed for a dancing picture!

in all fairness, mort was having the time of his life. good story to tell and pass along: if you want to get a girl 1.) be charming, 2.) be suave, 3.) ask her to dance and/or teach her. (there are a couple of other things, but loving women myself, i'm not giving away trade secrets ;)

as always, be kind to yourself, 
love yourself, 
and care for those around you.
and every time you're in the city (any city): look up! there is so much history and beauty and people. you're missing a lot by staring at the ground. 

also: BOTH captain hammer and captain mal like this again  (again totally not true.):

as for "tomorrow's blog on mort"... sorry for the tardiness ladies and gents, just a lot going on:
saving puppies and orphans from out of control drag races, trying to figure out how to inexpensively dress in a steampunk outfit (impossible, unless i know someone who can sew for super cheap), and waiting for my kooling kafkas to arrive so i can shoot some arrows again. i miss it. i know i'm losing my touch since it's been 15 years since i last shot an arrow, and i've only been able to shoot my recurve bow 6 times since i got it... first hunger games, then hawkeye (sorry Avengers, if you like comics, give hawkeye a chance!, also green arrow), and now brave (i love all of the above, but it took the cool nice weather from me! stupid weather. 

right, ending on a silly note:

 this is Dean from Supernatural (great show, btw), he will kick your ass if you don't read my blog.
this is Zoe from Firefly (Fantastic show, in case you were wondering, and you should), she'll just shoot you to back up the aforementioned Captain Mal (they're fictional, they can endorse.)

this is "echo" from "the dollhouse".... trust me, you really should listen to her and read the blog... just saying.

Monday, July 2, 2012

as promised.... SUPER HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!! with pics!!!

heroes are made,
by choices
by those fight or flight moments
whether you like it or not...

so here is a super hero...
his name... is Dylan, master shedder (no, not "shredder", "shedder", that's what goldens do.)
but i digress.
his powers are immense! he bites! he chews! he humps whatever and whomever he pleases, cause he's just that cool of a super hero (when they consent... ask me how many girlfriends he has at this point in time on his walks and when we have to put him in a luxury kennel!)
here he is, in all of his glory!
whoops, wrong one... he was still a biter, mind you.
ah. there we go. with his cape.. he is mighty!

but let's face it, all super heroes need a sidekick. well, that would be me...

that's right folks, i'm the sidekick... in my  downtime, i help dylan defeat evildoers by one of two ways: seducing them (i'm not picky, boy or girl, my powers are, well, powerful.)
and what is my second power (you ask, probably not really caring and just wanting to see more pictures of dylan), well, it is mind control: with my eyes! that's right, i can control you with my eyes. an amazon scorpio with magical eyes and a bitey dog... don't mess!

ah yes, the story, well, dylan defeated the cone of silence/shame without a bat of his eye. in case you forgot, this is what it looked like:
with dignity, no less!!!
ha HA.
anyway, while dylan was wearing his cape, he had a feeling...
it looked like this:
that is his "something is amiss look" (it also happens to be his "i have to go outside" look, but since he was wearing the cape, and had just chased some bunnies outside, i was pretty sure it was the former rather than the latter.)
and wouldn't you know it? there was danger a waiting!!!!
enter evil doers:
that's right folks, Under Dog's ego got the better of him, and he felt forgotten, and sad that his name would only live on in a fairly bad not too far back movie... and he had to be stopped. his broken ego caused him to run amuck! he was marking his territory every chance he got, biting every person who didn't recognize him, chewing up everything he could get his dejected paws on!

however, he soon realized his single rampage was not enough: he needed something to do further his rampage... but what?
a death ray? too obvious 
a freeze ray? been done.
time machine to then threaten the timeline continuum? not enough quantum mechanical experience.
dejected, angry, certain he needed to cause damage... but with what?
and that's when it hit him... not a what... but a WHOM!
"ah HA! i need a large brute....a partner!"
that's right folks, a flippin' gorilla! they are big, and smelly, and apparently also cartoons (to be fair, under dog has been out of the scene for a while, if you count that movie that happened, which i do not, and apparently, neither does under dog.)

unfortunately, my powers of scorpio seduction only worked on the gorilla... i believe his name was frank? bill? john? wade? no... i want to say it started with a "b"... something very non villain-esque. huh. darn it. i hate forgetting names... 
but i digress, i had the gorilla under control (i promised i'd call him after an awkward date full of bananas and playing donkey kong, which was hard enough to find), i had him rolled up in chains of justice in no time (after the date.) it was the ole "i'm a weak blond female, could you help me move this to my car because i am a girl and clearly helpless because of my gender and you've just shown your manly gorilla-ness by banging your chest in front of other alpha males" move. why do they fall for it? i'm 5' 9" (and a 1/4) for crying out loud! again, i digress.

Dylan the super dog and Under Dog... well, the under dog in this case, didn't stand a chance.
they fought. buildings were toppled, butts were sniffed, bites were bitten... BUT Under Dog forgot rule one of super heroes gone bad: never wear a non-removable cape! dylan bit in and wouldn't let go! it was epic! under dog was crying! i almost felt sorry... until i realized, he was upset that that particular cape, happened to be his only one... and man, those super capes are murder on the wallet at the dry cleaners (or so i've heard, i don't have a cape, so i wouldn't know, and dylan's is washable, so, there you are.)

mass destruction avoided.
chaos avoided.
butt sniffing... well that was just awkward.
BUT at the end of the day,
we went back to our not so hidden identities... since i used our real names... whoops.
 batman, robin, wonder woman, batwoman, green arrow, superman, super girl, hawkeye, black canary, batgirl, zatanna (well, that's a bad example, everyone knows who she is and that she's a magician, they just don't all know she's also a legit super hero, the rest, however, were perfectly good examples), hell EVERY actual super hero would be like "seriously?" whatever, we don't live in gotham, star city, or metropolis, or any other evildoer mecca, so i feel fairly secure in our lack of secret identity.

 at the end of the day, all was well in the world of the bennett household.
yes. all in all, we did well as crime fighters, you know, since they were cartoons. had it been cats? i would have run for the hills! zombies, no worries, i have a bow and arrow and i know how to use it (that's actually true.) meteor heading towards earth? no worries, call bruce willis. anything else? call president obama or the first lady, michelle obama, pretty sure they'd know what to do. or the myth busters. or harrison ford. he'd save the day AND make a movie out of it! alas, he has a woman. le sigh.

and that's all folks! 
be kind to one another.  
love, a wannabe super hero,
Sassy Cass
Capt Cass Harkness
(i'm not sure how to make "hillary" sound like "merida", "hawkeye", "green arrow", or "artemis", but never fear, i'm sure i'll find a way to butcher those as well.)
although the previous names are actually doug's fault.
so you can blame him.

hope you enjoyed this very silly story!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

soon to come...

dylan: the super dog
(with great shedding comes great responsibility.)

and later today:
as promised A CELTIC SUPER HERO STORY!!! yay!!!!