Welcome to a life of carefully contained chaos...

basically, i do not like technology, but i like words and stories, and sharing both.

so i only like technology when i'm feeling especially hypocritical.

apparently, this is one of those times.

so welcome to my little world of carefully contained chaos.

please clean up after yourself.

no, but seriously.

Friday, December 3, 2010

remember that time i wrote a blog... and then forgot? cause i didn't...

right. blog. oops.

so yeah, i wrote a blog... posted a few things and then saw something shiny and crossed the street. fortunately my mother found me and now i'm back at it. blogging that is. not running across the street to chase shiny things. cause that would be dangerous.


so i was in boston and now i'm not. that happened quite quickly. as a result of my quick "here to there to back to here again" trip, i have some advice... in no particular order because i'm blonde and that is WAY too complex for me:

* there are in fact wild turkeys in brookline, MA

* lead poisoning is bad for you

* some homes have lead lined paint

* (ok, i might be blonde, but if you can't figure out what the following point is, then you should try some artificial intelligence: like reading stephen hawking... or maybe just baby step through it and dye your hair brown... or dirty blonde...)

* boston ERs sometimes suck.

* ERs are meant to drive sane people insane

* ERs are very good at their jobs

* i am not currently living in a previously lead painted house

* i am not a zombie

***** are you really still reading? wow. ok. just for that i'll give you something that could be considered actual advice:

* if you are ever driving in MA, make sure you do not call or text on a smart phone. the police will bust you like an over inflated balloon. FACT.

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